Learn to Mosaic!!!! Coasters, a framed mirror or picture frame, a trivet, a wall hanging plaque, or something else!
Choose your Design, learn to cut your own glass (or use our pre-cut glass), & you’ll even grout your Masterpiece! No experience necessary!
We provide all the supplies you’ll need to make your own mosaic masterpiece! You choose from one of our substrate designs, we’ll show you how to cut and arrange the glass (don’t worry, it’s a lot easier than it sounds! 😏)
Reserve your seat by paying $120. If you pick a more expensive substrate/surface, you’ll pay on the day of the class.
Our Mosaic Choices are always changing and growing, but here is an idea of some of the possible surfaces and prices.
● 4 Coasters (4″ square tiles) $120
This set of 4 coasters is ideal for gifts, parties, or any occasion. Each 4″ square coaster/tile is designed and
manufactured for mosaics.
● 1 Metal Trivet (Square with metal feet) 6” $120
A charming mosaic trivet will protect your table and hands at the same time! So easy and fun to create, they make a creative yet practical gift. Trivets are 6” x 6”, finished in black.
● 1 Square Mirror/Frame 12″ $135-145
Each 12″ square mirror/frame is designed and manufactured specifically for mosaics. Each frame is made from a
special thick and extra rigid material. The added thickness allows the edges of the frames to be mosaiced or painted with acrylics for that finishing touch. Each Mirror has a special dovetail hanging slot on the back that is designed to hold the mosaiced plaque. Mirrors are included. Create a one of a kind Mirror for yourself or a friend. 86″ of surface area, 3/4″ thick.
● 1 Heart Mirror/Frame 12″ $145
Each 12″ heart mirror is designed and manufactured specifically for mosaics. Each frame is made from a special thick and extra rigid material. The added thickness allows the edges of the frames to be mosaiced or painted with acrylics for that finishing touch. Each Mirror has a special dovetail hanging slot on the back that is designed to hold the mosaiced plaque. Mirrors are included. Create a one of a kind Mirror for yourself or a friend. 12 inches wide, 3/4″ thick.
● 1 Wood Trivet (square 8″ or rectangular 8″x10″) $135
Each trivet (8″ square trivet or 8″x10″ rectangular) is designed and manufactured specifically for mosaics. Each item is made from a special thick and extra rigid material. The added thickness allows the edges of the trivet to be mosaiced or painted with acrylics for that finishing touch. Create a one of a kind trivet for yourself or a friend.
● Accent Table 21″ tall, 15″ wide $195 – Advanced Mosaics
This is a 2-Day Create~fest! So, after your glue dries from Day 1, you will return on a Saturday, Sunday or Monday to choose the grout color & finish your piece! After you finish applying the grout, you’ll take it home. Functional art – WOOHOO! The grouting on Day 2 is about 1 – 1.5 hrs. tops!
IMPORTANT CLASS NOTES: **Please wear closed toe shoes as we will be cutting glass. **If you wear reading glasses, you should bring them so you see the details in the small pieces.
Minimum attendees required (in order to conduct this class): 2 attendees
Artist Tip from Sami @ ArtSea- “In preparation for this class, start thinking about what design you’d like to put on your mosaic piece. Do you like the idea of specific shapes (a sun or a sea turtle) OR perhaps an abstract design. I like looking up photos of “simple mosaic designs” on the internet to see what other people have created. This helps inspire me. ArtSea Living also has books filled with ideas that will be available on the day of the class. So no worries if you can’t decide! We’ll help you.”