As a creative, making pretty things and finding JOY while doing so is something many of us have in common.  However, the older and busier I got, the less time I spent simply creating! 

Starting a creative project felt, at times, intimidating. Like crashing waves of the ocean or i.e., like starring at my blank canvas, hesitant to make the first stroke.  Concerned I would ruin something that wasn’t there!

Instead, I choose the peaceful flowing river and let go of expectations, flowing with what comes. 

The Divine was nudging me.  Knowing the need and desire in me to find more balance, joy and peace.  I acknowledged what was missing.   Finding myself back to creative expression  brought me to the river of opportunities for me to step up, step in and share my love of “making pretty things”  and  flow with the creative in each of us.  

Artsea Living Studio is that joyful and gentle river to move us along in our journey. An Artsea place where we can create and enJOY riding the gently flowing river and living your best Artsea life.

Let it flow,

Elle  ~ ArtSea Living Team