If you truly know me, you know I love my “JOB”. ArtSea Living has made it through these crazy times and that has not been easy. Many shops and businesses have closed and are still contemplating that option.
Yesterday, yet again, I understood very clearly why I do what I do. In my business I teach and I preach creative balance through art. To me it’s not really about fine art, holding the brush just right, mixing the perfect palette to use or what you should or shouldn’t do!
It’s about getting on the right side of your brain. Calming the critical thinking, allowing yourself the freedom of expression, feeling joy in the moment and making time for you to create.
Remembering that you were born creative, but you were taught to be perfect, is a good start to your rebirth. In being perfect there is no room for “mistakes”. If you speak to an Artist they will tell you that some of their best work started out as a “mistake”.
The difference between someone who says I don’t have a creative bone in my body and the person who is a Maker and Creates Art is … they allow themselves the pleasure to let go of the outcome and be in the flow. The Creative honors their time (makes time to create) and honors their original ideas (all ideas are worthy).
I truly love what I do. ArtSea Living is an attitude! It’s a mindset! It’s a happy place! It builds self esteem! It fosters original ideas! It’s a lifestyle! I love my “job”.
Lookup and join an “art studio near me” and find your balance again! Let’s create!
#iteachart#artsealiving#loveyourself http://www.artsealiving.com